Because of the economy today, couples having a wedding reception are just thinking of how they can have a great reception at the same time save. Here are some things that you can do.
Be Smart. Do not schedule your wedding on weekends, evenings or peak seasons - this will cost you more and you will need to pay more for the food and the venue. If you want to save, think Friday night cocktails or Sunday luncheons instead of having a wedding dinner on a Saturday.
Use a Reception Registry. This is like a gift registry but instead of the guests getting you presents, your guests will sign up and choose a dish on the registry that they can bring to your wedding. This can really help you if your budget is really not much and as long as your guests are okay with it, you're good to go.
Use Talents in your area. You have to be practical when you have your wedding reception most especially if you are on a budget. Don't get expensive bands or DJs, try the talents in your area and if they are still too much for your budget, get in touch with your college music department and they might give you a list of students who can perform at your wedding at a price you can afford.
It is in no doubt that your reception will be one of the things that you will be spending more on. But if you know how to plan your reception right, you will be able to save a lot.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bibi_Riyasat